OMG: Justin Bieber Goes Bald!

Would the girls still swoon over Justin Bieber without Justin Bieber's signature haircut? Jimmy Kimmel decided to find out last night on his ABC talk show.
When the host threw the idea out there, the star was surprisingly receptive. After they returned from a commercial break, the air fell out of the room.
"I like it," Kimmel said, admiring his handiwork. "You look like a young Lex Luthor!" Bieber concurred after a moment, "I kind of like it, too."
Sorry, Beliebers, for trying to pull one over on you. But you can breathe a sigh of relief: it turns out it was all just a stunt, courtesy of a bald wig.
You have to admit, though, that whole interview was pretty great. The Bieb is a good sport if nothing else, and he raised a valid point in there.
If he were bald, you'd just have to focus on his voice. We imagine a few of hims 7 million Twitter fans could live with that. Besides, it grows back.

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