Showrunner Survey: Walking Dead’s Glen Mazzara on the Toughest Thing to Pull Off on TV

To kick off your week, a piping-hot new edition of Vulture's Showrunner Survey! Today we bring you The Walking Dead's boss Glen Mazzara, who confesses an early obsession with this Saturday morning show and reveals which fellow showrunner has much to learn from him.

What's the first TV show you remember being obsessed with?
Korg: 70,000 B.C.

True or false: When I was growing up, the day the TV Guide "Fall Preview" issue came out was almost as good as the last day of school.

Which show would you like to do a crossover event with and why?
Sons of Anarchy. I still have so much to teach my friend Kurt Sutter.

If you could bring back any killed-off TV character for just one more episode, who would it be?
Tony Soprano.

Which writers' room in all of TV history would you most like to have gotten to sit in on?
Caesar's Hour.

Finish this sentence: The hardest thing to pull off on a TV show is …
Staying ahead of the audience. They've seen it all. 

Do time slots still matter? Explain.
Only one time slot matters: Sundays at 9 p.m., starting in October.

Pick one character from your show; which reality show would (s)he be most suited for, and why?
Daryl would crush it on Survivor, anyplace, anytime.

If you had an unlimited music budget, which artist or group would you hire to compose the soundtrack for your show?
Mark Knopfler.

Which character do you wish you had created?
Homer Simpson.

What was the biggest creative misstep you ever saw made by a show you love?
Fonzie moves into the apartment above the Cunningham's garage. 

If you could let your kids watch a single episode of your work, which one would it be and why?
The Shield, "Streaks & Tips." I love everything about it.  
