Mayor Bloomberg Is a Fan of Girls

Coinciding with a happy photo of himself and Girls creator Lena Dunham, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has shared some appreciative thoughts on the series: "We love the show for inspiring people to move to New York City and become the 'voice of a generation,' as Hannah would say," says Bloomberg, quoting Dunham's line in the show's pilot. Other mayoral staff also laud the show and the visibility it recently bestowed upon New York City every Sunday on HBO for ten weeks. Says Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson: "We're obsessed. It's the big water-cooler topic of conversation Monday morning in the bullpen. ... We want the next set of brilliant writers to watch the show and say, 'I want to move to New York, too.'"

The Post reports that while Bloomberg "claims he does not watch any TV at home," Girls made the cut. "It shows the city in a different way than Sex and the City did, but also positively," Wolfson says. (Plus, like Sex and the City, Girls may have its own NYC tour soon.)

Unfortunately, Bloomberg didn't weigh in on whether he sees himself as a Shoshanna or a Marnie.
