Lindsay Lohan Praises Britney Spears, Shares Family Secret

Lindsay Lohan hit the web to share her enthusiasm for Britney Spears recent chart-topping comeback.

“Britney Spears is an amazing talent, and she has gone through a lot, (just as I have) in the public eye. Which is not necessarily a bad thing,” Lindsay wrote on Tuesday evening.

According to Lindsay, Britney set an example this year, one which others can take a lesson from.

“It teaches young girls and boys that there are certain things in life that you should not let get in the way of your dreams and accomplishments. Also, that you need to take care of yourself before anyone else, and I mean anyone and everyone else,” Lindsay wrote. “Because at the end of the day, you have to look at yourself in the mirror and see who you really are. Stripped of all the distractions in life. So YAY Britney for just being you and still following through with your dreams. I know I am a bit late in writing about this record since it came out already, but better late than never!!!!”

The red head, who revealed earlier this year that she is dating her longtime friend, DJ Samantha Ronson, said she will miss her family over the holidays as she spending it on the West Coast with her lady love.

“I love my mom, Aliana, Cody, Michael, and my Nana Sullivan!! I will be missing them this Christmas as it is the first one I am spending away from home,” Lindsay blogged. “I am spending it with Samantha in Los Angeles.”

While the actress wished everyone happy holidays, she also revealed that her father, Michael Lohan recently confirmed to the Lohan clan that he fathered another child out of wedlock.

“I think that people go through a lot in life. And the things that we go through, whatever they may be, simply just make us stronger in the long run… that is, if we actually take what it is we have learned from our mistakes and teach ourselves what NOT to do in the future. I have gone through a lot in my past, and to be completely honest, I am still going through a lot right now,” Lindsay wrote. “My father just let my family and I know… that he had another child after my little sister Aliana, or maybe he had it before Aliana? Either way, he cheated on my mother and that really sucks… Wow – do I sound like ‘Debbie Downer’ or what?”

On Wednesday afternoon people reported that Michael Lohan had E-mailed the publication and denied his daughter’s claims.

He also claimed there was a “99 percent chance Lindsay’s post was written by Samantha.

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