Free Lindsay! Lohan May Be Out Before August

So much for 90 days.

Officials plan to release Lindsay Lohan as soon as possible, according to reports, and every time you turn around, more time is shaved off the star's sentence.

The probation-violating 24-year-old just had two more days credited for time she previously spent in custody, meaning she may be free by the end of the month.

Lindsay was sentenced to Lynwood Correctional Facility July 20 to begin a 90-day stay for failure to comply with probation stemming from a 2007 DUI arrest.
But Lohan's jail time will be cut by two-thirds for good behavior, and more by overcrowding. The media circus surrounding her may also press authorities.

Lindsay was expected to be released around August 1-2, or under 14 days of her 90-day sentence. Not the worst deal - and she may even beat that now.

There is hope the actress could even be released this weekend, if her attorneys can swing it. No word if they'll be successful, but they're certainly trying.

