Kim Kardashian Kontinues to Pimp Out Body, Soul

This is truly pathetic.

Kim Kardashian is not satisfied with the money and attention she's garnered from... well, starring in a sex tape with Ray J.

Instead, she's pimping out her body and her soul on behalf of an unhealthy weight loss product. Kim and sister Khloe are shilling non-stop for QuickTrim, a cleansing system that no certified doctor would ever recommend for a patient.

Earlier today, Kim posted a message on her Twitter account that didn't even bother to hide the fact that she's nothing but a paid saleswoman for this dangerous product. She wrote:

“Quick Trim DOES A BODY GOOD! Quick Trim baby! Go get it!”

Seriously, folks, DO NOT go get this product. It's not safe and Kardashian is simply being paid for her endorsement, which includes the following Tweeted pics

