Wishes, Gossip, and Jazz Flutes: New Music From Kanye, Rick Ross, Big Boi, A$AP Rocky, LDR …

Did you perform some sort of rap-music-summoning dance last night? Good news — it worked. Everyone is on a song this morning! To the jams.

"I Wish You Would," DJ Khaled Featurint Kanye West and Rick Ross
Kanye is back on the Auto-Tune! Rick Ross is still on the grunting. And DJ Khaled remains pretty good at wrangling super-famous rappers into guest verses. This one is pre-car-stereo-approved.

"Go$ $ ip," Big Boi Featuring UKG and Big K.R.I.T.
Also featured: biscuits, cockatoos, Lorena Bobbit. (Big Boi's album is supposedly out in November.)

"Ridin," A$ AP Rocky Featuring Lana Del Rey
If "Ridin" sounds slightly familiar, it's because it was very briefly featured on a Kickdrums mixtape before being pulled so that Rocky could put it on his proper album. Lana's Betty Boop factor is high here, but as mentioned above, there's a jazz flute. It all evens out. (Everyone saw the "National Anthem" video, right? They are so pretty!)

And because we didn't get to it a couple of days ago, here is a video of Drake smoking a hookah while listening to 45 seconds of his own new music:

Okay! You're all caught up now.
