Matt Damon And Jeremy Renner To Star In A 'Bourne' Film Together?


Even though Matt Damon has stepped away from the "Bourne" franchise for the time being, we know from "The Bourne Legacy's" most recent trailer that Jason Bourne is going to have a presence in the upcoming movie. Of course, that film is all about Jeremy Renner's Aaron Cross and we have no idea how it will end, but the fact that both characters are featured so prominently leads us to believe that there is a chance for a future crossover.

Fortunately we aren't alone in that. Empire recently chatted with Renner, director and co-writer Tony Gilroy and producer Frank Marshall about the upcoming flick, and they teased that there could one day be a world where Bourne and Cross exist on the same screen. Read more after the jump.

"You see there are several different [programs] in the movie with different skill sets. All possibilities are open. My dream is that in the next one we see Matt and Jeremy team up," Marshall said.

That's very interesting, to say the least. Renner is obviously signed on for more "Bourne films," and in the past it's seemed like Damon wasn't ready to give up the franchise just yet, so it seems like making a collaboration happen will just come down to timing. And, of course, it also hinges on how well this next film does.

Renner went on to tease Cross as a character to Empire, and reinforce that he is a very different breed of vengeful killer than Bourne was.

"[Cross is] coming from a completely different background to Jason [Bourne]. He knows exactly who he is; he signed up to this," Renner explained. "He wants to be part of a team. I can tell you he was in the military then he joined the [program]. He's a person who wants to be part of something... to have a sense of purpose. But then it's taken away."

"The Bourne Legacy" is due in theaters on August 10.

Would you want to see Renner and Damon co-star in a "Bourne" film? Tell us in the comments section below or on Twitter!

Tags Jeremy Renner, matt damon, the bourne legacy
