Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson: At War or On a Date?

We're very sorry to report this, Twihards, but Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are "at war" with each other.

The reason? Rob's alleged inappropriate behavior with co-star Anna Kendrick, which was caught on camera and over which Kristen confronted her man - on the red carpet of the Eclipse premiere!

Somehow - despite the presence of nearly every magazine, newspaper and cameraman in the country at the event - the only publication to notice this "breakdown" was random Australian rag Famous. But, hey, it must be true.

Just like Jessica Simpson's confirmed pregnancy, tabloids don't just make up cover stories out of thin air, do they?
Pattinson and Stewart looked quite happy and cozy when they surprised Eclipse fans in Los Angeles Monday night. Could that all have been an act?!?

As pictured below, the couple was also spotted at Hotel Café in Hollywood yesterday, attending a Sam Bradley concert.

Rob does look especially somber, but we're gonna chalk that up to paparazzi invading his personal space, not pointy, imaginary love triangles stabbing him in the heart...

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