A Week in the Life of Kim Kardashian...

Think Kim Kardashian has an easy life? Just consider the difficult last few days this reality star has endured...

First, she had to wake up and garner page views for her blog by posing with nephew Mason.

Then, she was forced to stand alongside her sisters on the cover of Vegas magazine.

From there, it was off to a Shape photo shoot, where Kim stood around in a bikini while crew members scrambled and actually were put to work all around her.

After that, she was a guest star at the Indy 500 and posed for photographs on the red carpet of an Atlantic City event.

For all these efforts, Kim had to speak nary a word or show off a single talent - and she likely pocketed over one million dollars. Consider yourself warned, readers:

THG may have to soon star in our own sex tape. After all, the mere act of getting railed by Ray J can result in a long career as... a professional celebrity.

