Dr. Conrad Murray Defense Continues to Blame MJ

It looks like Michael Jackson's addictive personality and need for instant gratification may become a critical component of Dr. Conrad Murray's legal strategy.

Yesterday we talked about how Dr. Murray's defense will argue that Michael Jackson killed himself by pumping a lethal dose of Propofol into his own body.

This happened, allegedly, when the doc left the room to use the can. Murray says he personally administered only an eighth of the amount in MJ's system.

That's far-fetched if you ask us. But to bolster the story, sources familiar with the defense's strategy say they plan to show it was in character for Michael.

Michael Jackson was a demanding celebrity, lawyers for Conrad Murray will claim, and a man-child who wanted what he wanted when he wanted it, period.
Amazingly, the defense will use Coke to prove its point.

Not Coke as in cocaine, but plain ol' Coca-Cola. Michael Jackson apparently consumed massive quantities of the legendary soft drink, despite its caffeine content.

Jackson, an insomniac, knew full well that guzzling the stuff would make it hard to sleep, but he did not care. When the time came to sleep, he turned to drugs.

The defense will provide examples of MJ hyping himself up with caffeine from soda, then using drugs - including Propofol, an anesthesic - to knock himself out.

Basically, this is all meant to establish that he was an individual who demanded instant gratification, making the idea of Jackson waking up, seeing Dr. Murray was out of the room and self-medicating with massive amounts of Propofol believable.

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