Miley Cyrus in Parade: Not a Fan of Hannah Montana, Country Music, Celebrity Gossip, Teenage Girls, Etc.

In the new issue of Parade, Miley Cyrus does not hold back.

Yesterday, she talked about how hard the Internet sucks. Today, she talked about ditching Hannah Montana why she feels country music is contrived, and so on.

Her interview isn't all negative, though. Cyrus had praise for Liam Hemsworth, Lady Gaga and God too. Below are excerpts from Parade's sit-down with Miles ...

On Liam Helmsworth: “[Liam has] become my best friend. I love him. He really respects me for who I am because coming from Australia, he really didn’t know me as the celebrity I am here. I got to tell him about myself on my own terms.”

On Lady Gaga: "I really love her. She’s really smart. I used to be like, yeah, I guess she’s talented but how much is she really singing. But I’ve become a convert. She has to be smart to come up with all the stuff she comes up with. She gets it."
On her fan base: “I am screwed up in the mind a little bit because I’m not like other 16- or 17-year-old girls. I have no perspective of who exactly my fans are, to tell you the truth. Teenage girls in general are hard for me. I’m not a girl’s girl."

On country music: “It feels contrived on so many levels. Unless you’re wearing a cowboy hat and boots and singing and whining about your girlfriend or boyfriend leaving you it’s not going to sell. It makes me nervous, the politics of it all."

On the paparazzi: "You have to ask, ‘Why would any other 50-year-old man who was stalking a 17-year-old girl go to jail, but not these guys?’ I mean, they couldn't sit outside of a high school but they can sit outside my recording studio. It's creepy.”

On her faith: "To me, faith is about having a clean slate and a clean start. The one thing I’m really strong about regarding my religious beliefs is that you should know a little bit about everything before you define your own beliefs."

On Twitter: “I believe God is the only one who can judge us. That’s the reason I deleted my Twitter, because I said I believed in gay marriage because everyone should have the right to love each other, and I got hate mail about being a bad person.”

